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“Rebuilding Our Church, Renewing Our Faith”


The Parrish of Holy Angels Catholic Church goes back to the early 1900’s when the first Catholic families settled in Surry County. Abbott-Bishop Haid of Belmont Abby dispatched Monks to offer the Holy Sacrifices of the Mass for the faithful.


Holy Angels Catholic Church was given Parrish status in 1930 when the construction of the granite Chapel and Rectory was completed.


The Parrish Hall was built in 1994 and named in honor of long time Pastor Monsignor Arthur Duncan. Our Parrish had approximately 150 families at the time, which outgrew the capacity to have Mass in the Chapel. It was decided that the Monsignor Duncan Center (MDC) would be utilized to become the worship space for Sunday Mass.


Since that time, our Parrish has continued to grow to its current size of approximately 400 families. We have once again outgrown the worship space of the MDC. An expansion plan was considered, but due to high construction costs and land availability, an alternate plan was considered. It was proposed that we buy the church on 520 Rockford Street, which would be much more economical and faster to move into. The plan was approved by the Bishop & Diocese and the Church was purchased in October 2024. The church is free from debt, but we need the Capital Campaign to raise the necessary funds to renovate building and site and to make it a proper place of Catholic worship for our growing Parish for generations to come.


Father Peter Nouck

Dear Friends in the Lord,

Our Spiritual and steady growth in numbers, in the last recent years, warrants us to work for a more befitting worship space that will foster our spiritual growth and conveniently accommodate our steadily growing numbers.


It is the right time for us to act as a community to take a bold step in having a more befitting permanent space of worship. The foundation for our capital campaign will do just that. We seek to raise 1.5 million for the renovation of our new Church to make it become a befitting Catholic space of worship. We plan to renovation the entire building and property to accommodate the needs of our growing parish.


Along with our regular planned giving in gratitude to God through the Sunday offertory, there are times in parishes when we all get the opportunity to offer extra support for God’s work. This is one of such moments. Let us take advantage of this great moment of God’s grace. It is in giving that we receive, it is in giving that we are blessed. We can only do this together. We need your help to accomplish our success in the Holy Angels Capital Campaign.



Father Peter Nouck

Building Description

  • Built in 1925/Purchased in October 2024

  • 10,440 Square Feet Three (

  • 3) Floors with Elevator

  • Remodeled Sanctuary Balcony for Seating, Choir & Organ

  • Total Seating for 260+

  • Lot Parking for 88 Vehicles

  • Pew with Kneelers

  • Classrooms,

  • Offices & New Restrooms

  • Social Center with Kitchen

  • ADA Compliant



Capital Campaign

  • The Goal is 1.5 Million Three

  • (3) Year Pledge Commitment

  • All Parishioners are Encouraged to Give

  • Committee Team to contact Parishioners for Commitments

  • Electronic Payments by EFT

  • Available Credit Card Payments Accepted Special Capital Campaign

  • Envelopes Available

  • Other Fund Raising Events to be Announced



©2025 by Holy Angels Roman Catholic Church.

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